Animations on Glass Street I


2015 Muralettes

Site: A four block area of storefronts on Glass Street

Artists: 22 East Chattanooga teens in collaboration with lead artists Frances McDonald, John McLeod, and Alexa Williams (Asst.)

Partners: Glass House Collective, Studio Everything, Tennessee Arts Commission, Lillian L. Colby Foundation, Front Porch Alliance, UNFoundation, Giving Tuesday, Jay & Ellen Heavilon, Coca Cola, YMCA Mobile Fit Program

Description: Animations on Glass Street is a series of small, colorful, abstract murals which can be described as examples of tactical urbanism, a collection of low-cost, temporary changes to the built environment intended to improve local neighborhoods and city gathering places. 

Mark Making led forty hours of workshops for twenty-two inner-city youth from East Chattanooga over a two-week period. The teens created designs using cut paper and painted seven animations on storefronts and walls of empty buildings. “Winks”, small eye-catching designs, were also created to wrap utility poles. All resulted in a four block area of beautification along Glass Street in East Chattanooga.

During the workshops, the Magic Markers teens also practiced work readiness skills: leadership, problem-solving, reliability, and making wise choices. These skills were compensated with a stipend based on their individual work ethic, performance, and job quality.  

Animations on Glass was funded in part by Tennessee Arts Commission, Lillian L. Colby Foundation, Front Porch Alliance, UNFoundation, Giving Tuesday, Jay and Ellen Heavilon.