Supporting education and innovation.
Scenic City Angel
The SCA Initiative focuses on mitigating urban “gap” issues by creating projects that offer opportunities to young people promoting a future for a better life, more opportunities and economic equality.
Life Energy
Traffic cabinet wraps designed by East Chattanooga teens, exploring the power of advocacy and citizen participation in societal issues. .
Magic Markers
Magic Markers is a compensated work-readiness initiative, focusing on teens in East Chattanooga. In Magic Marker sessions, participants develop deeper understandings of civic engagement through targeted community-oriented projects.
Birds of Freedom
Seventy-five inmates at the Hamilton County Jail collaborated to create a composition of their individual birds in flight, a metaphor for their release and ability to have a positive impact on their community and to beautify the East Chattanooga neighborhood.
Big Nine Legends
Big Nine Legends depicts 13 of the most influential Chattanooga-based musicians to ever grace 9th Street (now MLK Blvd.), once the center of Chattanooga’s African-American community and a national hub of blues and jazz music known as “Big Nine.”
Kings and Queens
Mark Making held 3D printing workshops for teens during a fall break camp. Kings and Queens of East Chattanooga is composed of 14 painted 3D printed masks constructed by scanning participating teens’ faces.
Since our inception in 2009,
We've engaged over 2,600 underserved participants in over 1,030 hours of visual arts and civics classes.
Mark Making’s Discrimination Policy
In accordance with Federal Law and Mark Making policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, origin, sex, age, or disability.
To file a complaint of discrimination, write Mark Making Director, POB 4271 Chattanooga TN, 37405. Mark Making is an equal opportunity provider and employer.